Saturday, August 14, 2010

Must See Movie

This afternoon, I had the pleasure to view a great movie titled "One Night with the King". Let me tell you how I came to watch this great film....

A year ago, my First Lady took us on a retreat where she discussed great ladies of the bible as role models. One of those ladies was Esther. She talked about how Esther had to know when and how to speak to the King and how God had favored her with that. She also talked about how brave and courageous Esther was for standing up for her people even when her own life was at stake.
At that time she also talked about a movie that we all needed to see about Esther. I went back and read about Esther in the bible and thought, "I must find this movie". I never found it, then one day I saw it in a Christian catalog and was like 'WOW!!!! there's that movie about Esther, I should go buy it". I didn't.
Last week, I started my subscription to Netflix and was looking through the movie listings, do you know what I found...... The movie about Esther. This time, I immediately placed it in my instant watch set and said, "Now I have it and can watch it" This afternoon, I finally sat down and watched the movie. IT WAS AMAZING!!!!!! If you have not seen this movie,please try to find it and watch it. If you have seen it, spread the word to all women.


  1. Although I love the story of Esther, and have to agree with you on the greatness of her courage, I just had to comment and let you know that I wasn't too fond of the movie. I've read the book several times, and although I know that no movie is ever like the book, the biggest offset to me was that in the book Esther was frail, fragile, and unsure. It was God that gave her all knowledge and courage and yet in the movie I found myself finding Esther as a strong person within herself. Although this too can be encouraging in times of great distress, let me share why I disliked it for just a moment (sorry for the long chat). I lived through very hard times, parents with strong problems including drugs, a brother with lots of problems too including alcohol, but I never went down that road. I chose, long before I knew God, that I wasn't going to be that way. When I started going to church (before I was saved) I would tell people my story and they would all exalt me and tell me how brave I was (etch, etch), and it was after a year of going to church that I finally gave my life to Christ through my own hunger for more. I still experience it today. People see strength and they see good, they see God, even when God is left out. I personally, and this is just me, prefer the weak Esther who became a great and mighty queen because God was her only source of strength. One other thing, in reality, the King never once laid eyes on Esther before that night. She really had only one night to impress upon him. It was her humility, and God who helped her not only become that woman, but embrace that woman. If no other part of the story was heard but this, that this one woman, who could save a race of people, was groomed by God Himself, given favor by the King and God's grace, was chosen out of (a lot of other girls) because of just one single solitary night where she won the heart of a King. The movie takes that away by giving her multiple times to impress herself upon the King. I'm sorry if I have offended by mentioning this, but I must admit that this story is one of the closest to my heart.

  2. I do not take offense at all. Everyone sees something different and that is O.K. I can see your point of view, but I think we both agree that Esther was an amazing woman through God.
    It is always good to read the story before seeing the movie anyway to get the real story and compare.
